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Lead With Confidence & Unlock Your Potential as a Newly Promoted Leader

Have you been promoted into your first leadership role? Congratulations! Are you half excited and half wondering whether you can pull this off? Totally normal


Making the shift from technical expert to brilliant leader can be daunting, and that’s why my Coaching Programme, "Lead With Confidence," is specifically designed to support newly promoted leaders like you in overcoming these challenges and thriving in your new role.

Tackling the Challenges of a New Role

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Stepping from management into a leadership position for the first time can bring up questions and doubts.


You might wonder what it takes to be a good leader, how to have the level of impact and influence you want to have, and how to navigate difficult conversations or situations.


This programme recognises these challenges and provides the guidance you need to lead with confidence, authenticity, and resilience.

What is covered? 

Across the sessions, we'll explore the things that are most pressing for you personally. Some of the themes that  that come up time and again when you're stepping into your first senior leadership role include:

  • Levelling Up - what does good leadership look like at this level? 

  • Authentic Leadership - Being true to your values and strengths

  • Impact & Influence - Commanding attention without being the loudest in the room

  • Navigating Conflict with Confidence

  • Getting Noticed - Self promotion without the ick

  • Boundaries - Setting them, sticking to them & being a role model

  • Resilience - Maintaining confidence in the face of challenges

How does it work?

The programme includes 6 one to one coaching sessions 


Sessions match the pace that’s right for you and your business, normally spread over 6 months with initial sessions closer together 


Also included is access to my online training portal, and there’s access to me via a messenger app between sessions to ensure you can get questions answered or address any SOS moments between coaching sessions


Generally sessions are held on Zoom but if you’re local to Coventry and Warwickshire you’re very welcome to come to my office if face to face is more your thing

Image by Dan Gold

Ready to get started?

Book a free initial call to find out more

What does it cost?

1:1 coaching costs £2000 (£2,250 including Emotional Intelligence assessment and debrief session)


Group coaching is also available on a cohort basis for 4 - 8 participants from one business. £1,250 per person (£1,500 including Emotional Intelligence assessment and debrief session)


If you're not sure if it's right for you, or you still have questions, just book a call

"Thank you so much Jacqui! I had so many knocks last year and felt I’d lost myself a little
You’ve made me believe in my style and approach again and I feel I’m starting to get “back in the game”
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